About LCA

The history of the Ladera Community Association (LCA) dates back to Ladera's origin as a coop. The LCA was founded in 1951. The original bylaws stated that the purpose of the Association was to make "Ladera a pleasant, progressive, and useful community through the collective action of its members."
The LCA is open to all Ladera residents. It has four primary purposes. They are to:
  • represent the interests of Laderans in matters involving other organizations (County, Building and Planning, Post Office, etc.)
  • discuss issues and solve problems within Ladera
  • publish The Crier, the Ladera Directory, and the Ladera Online website
  • organize/support community events (4th of July, garage sale, etc.)

The LCA provides our residents with a unified voice in dealing with a variety of issues. Some current and past examples include zoning regulation changes, supporting the use of the 94028 zip code with the post office, representing Ladera in negotiations on garbage collection contracts, Country Shopper issues, and a variety of other issues If an issue is particularly important or controversial, we take a vote from the residents.
The LCA board consists of 9 elected members and one student member. The elected members of the board serve 3 year terms and the student member serves a 1 year term. Annually the board selects among its members a President, Vice President, and Treasurer. Board meetings are monthly, generally the first Wednesday of every month at 7:30 P.M. at Ladera Rec.
The LCA collects dues from its members annually. These are generally paid at the time of the annual directory information drive and entitle each member to one directory.
The mailing address for the LCA is:
Ladera Community Association, Inc.
3130 Alpine Road, Suite #288.123
Portola Valley, CA  94028
The IRS has determined the LCA is exempt from Federal income tax under Internal Revenue Code (IRC) Section 501 (c) (3) meaning that donors can deduct contributions they make to the LCA under IRC Section 170. Our IRS determination letter can be viewed here.