
Ladera Emergency Preparedness (LEP) is an organization that coordinates with the Woodside Fire Protection District (WFPD) to prepare Ladera for a major emergency, most likely an earthquake. The main component of LEP is to organize Ladera to be as self sufficient as possible during a major earthquake . This means educating Laderans on how to personally prepare themselves and providing an organization to ensure we can take care of our own emergency needs until adequate emergency services arrive in the area (1-2 days).
The LEP has an operations committee, a Division and Deputy Division Supervisor (Ladera is Division 10 in the WFPD), and 27 Block Captains.The block captain's primary responsibility in an emergency is to assesst he needs of their block and communicate these to the division command center. Ladera's Division Supervisor and Deputy Division Supervisor are responsible for setting up a command post and temporary medical clinic at Ladera Rec. The command post will be used to relay information to WFPD and emergency services and help direct Laderas own resources
Ladera Division Supervisor
Block Streets LEP Block Captains
1 Aliso Way
Tom Coates & Kris Bobier
2 Lower La Cuesta
Randy Cook
3 Berenda
Dave Chenette
4 E. Floresta
Pamela Foster
5 W. Floresta
Craig & Noel Hirst
6 Lower La Mesa
Brian Wall
7 N. Balsamina
Bill Onderdonk
8 S. Balsamina
David Fair
9 N. Castanya
Jim Robbins
10 S. Castanya
Joan O'Grady-Barada & Drew Barada
11 Dedalera
Carol Espinosa
12 Lower Gabarda
Werner Zurcher
13 Upper Gabarda, Siesta
Lovinda Beal
14 Top of Gabarda, Pecora
Laura Becker-Lewke & Reynold Lewke
15 Conil, End of La Mesa
Justin Maxwell
16 Upper Erica, Escanyo
Kevin Rarick
17 Lower Erica, Corona
Jan Johnson
18 La Mesa to Andeta
Karen Fryling
19 La Mesa Court, Andeta
Jeff Mueller
20 La Mesa to Lucero
Keg & Anna Plume
21 Durazno
Ken Fenyo
22 La Mesa to Pecora
Shane & Maggie Oren
23 Mimosa, Morro Vista
Mike Dineen
24 La Mesa to Coquito
Al Goetz
25 Upper La Mesa, Lerida
Dean Glover & Marianne Gerson
26 Linaria
Jay Smolik
27 La Mesa, Coquito to Linaria
Dan Guenin